Following is shoe care maintenance routine that will protect and nourish your shoes to ensure they last you a long time.
AUse a horsehair brush to remove superficial dust
BYou can use saddle soap or a smooth leather shoe cleaner to clean the shoes
CConditioning your leather shoes will help soften and moisturize the leather, and also protect it from drying out and cracking
DApply a polish, using small circular motion to rub the moisture deep into the leather all over. Leave this to dry for a minimum of 3 minutes then buff off with a soft polishing cloth(provided in your shoe box) or brush
EFollow the above mentioned procedure once a week to maintain the quality and look of your leather shoe. It is essential to care and maintain your shoes and boots, not only to make them look their very best, but also to prevent the leather from deteriorating.
For personalised shoe care appointment, please get
in touch with us at:
Mumbai: +91 22 4971 1497
Delhi: +91 11 40870737
Please note, that as of now this service is only available in Mumbai & Delhi.